Mmorpg camelot unchained
Mmorpg camelot unchained

I know some posters will think it is what we need, but if CU goes down, CF MMO's will hardly be a contender any more. I am not sure Crowdfunding is benefitting us enough to warrant the amounts of money it's sucking up from the market directly from consumers. What I see is them going down the route of gambling "gameplay", collector (NFT) "gameplay" and currency speculation "gameplay".

mmorpg camelot unchained

I just don't see MMORPG's branching out more without CFing. Smaller self funded indie is a possibility, but how many well known titles have come from that over the last ten years? But where else are we going to get MMOs using templates which are not just WoW (ish)? AAA has all but abandoned MMORPGs, and NW proves that a lot of dosh does not give sure fire success anyway. With us really only having Albion Online as a CF MMO that has made a name for itself, the track record is poor. Yes, yes, we definitely NEED more things like theseĪll jokes aside, while crowdfunding may theoretically lead to good MMO games - it has more chances of making yet another failure because there's no financial responsibility and developers will keep thinking that "I should definitely try to kickstart my unimaginative garbage even though I have 0 experience with managing my own company all by myself and/or developing my own complex game engine needed for the complex project, the worst thing that will happen is I will have to close down and make few people on interwebs disappointed, with no legal obligations to those people, which is not a big deal, I can always try again later once enough people will forget about my previous failure". You mean something like Star Citizen, which was crowdfunded with like $400 million, been in development since 2011 and is still far from being finished?

mmorpg camelot unchained mmorpg camelot unchained

Even with all the negatives against it, CF MMOs offer a chance at diversity of gameplay and theme in the MMO market which is badly needed.

Mmorpg camelot unchained